Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Azly Rahman - Preamble to Penanti Proclaimation

This is an extract from Azly Rahman Blog. Beautifully written and summarise
what has happen to our beloved country during the last 50 years!

Thanks Azly for such a beautiful and brilliantly written article!

Preamble to a Penanti Proclamation

Preamble to a Penanti proclamation
Azly Rahman | May 4, 09 12:48pm

Two scores and ten years ago, our forefathers and foremothers brought forth in this kampong the plan for a just republic that never materialised. We argued and waged peace for a republic of virtue but instead were given a warmongering State of Denial.

We toiled to established a kingdom of peace and tolerance but saw instead the evolution of a dictatorship of plutocracy and totalitarianism. We have become ‘It’ in our journey towards the ‘Thou’.

amin iskandar article 291008 merdekaTwo scores and ten years ago, we thought we had Independence - given on a silver platter by a dying imperial power. But what we got was a state that evolved out of ketuanan Melayu. We wanted Liberty but we got Plutocracy.

Two scores and ten years later we are seeing a country divided, sub-divided, and further sub-divided into tribes and post-industrial tribes. The politics of race have strengthened and inspired the few to plunder and patronise the many. We are seeing chaos disguised in the name of consensus.

We live in an imperfect world. We live in Maya, in the shadow of Plato's cave. We have allowed totalitarianism, corruption, repression, and hedonism to take root in our democratic institutions.

We constantly need to make changes to our institutions, so that democracy will have its breathing space, will evolve, and will flourish in accordance to the laws of Nature.

As the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau once said: "Everything in good in the hands of the Author of things, everything degenerates in the Hands of Man…"

In Malaysia, imperfection has made us slaves to the policies created out of our prejudices and arrogance, out of our greed and lust for power, and out of our ill-conceived idea of human liberation and economic development.

But let us not despair for even religion has asked us to revolt against the corrupt few; and philosophy has given us the wisdom to tear apart totalitarianism. We must recast our vision and cast off our garments of illusion.

Voices of change

This imperfect world needs more than just incremental change and compromise. It needs radical changes and no compromises. We made that change, sudden yet peaceful and civil, on March 8 last year. It was our Velvet Revolution, inspired by our own sense of non-violence, aided by technologies of cybernetics.

pix story hindraf birthday parliament 210508 kit siang roseThose hard long years of battling injustices, the sacrifices of those imprisoned without trial, of those humiliated and stripped of their dignity, those brutally beaten, those hunted down on the streets of our cities, those silenced and stupefied in our universities, those sprayed with chemicals, and the voice of the little girl - a child of the Hindraf revolution who brought roses to ask for her father's release - all these violent images of oppression that we do not deserve have taught us to be stronger.

A few days before the Malaysian tsunami that swept away the powerful machinery of the ruling regime, sweeping it to the backyard of our national history, we were battling with this feeling that the regime would still be holding power and will continue to use it to oppress, intimidate, and to rob the people - for another 50 years.

We are now at an exciting historical juncture. No longer are we objects of history; we have become makers of history. History marches on, crafted by those oppressed by their own people..

Let Penanti not be a wait that abandoned us on this dangerous crossroad of history. This victory is already ours. We cannot underestimate our struggle - the struggle of Malaysians regardless of race, class, gender, creed and origin.

This victory will be a gift for our children. This will be the best gift we can leave the next generation in a country where ‘justice’ is put in its proper place.

This is the concept of adil and is what we base our struggle on. This is the concept of bersih, cekap, amanah in the truest sense of the word.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Yeah Mamak Bendahara Menang ....

Aku nak berterima kasih kepada mahkamah rayuan kerana telah bagi mamak bendahara Zamry menang. Tahniah mahkamah kerana telah membungkuskan UMNO/BN diPerak. Innalillah Inna Wainna Ilaihi Rojion.....

Ada dua MB di Perak, satu mendapat majoriti kerusi, satu lagi mendapat majoriti sokongan rakyat!. Kalau kira kerusi memanglah mamak bendahara lebih, sebab ada kerusi katak. Jadi, lepas ini mamak bendahara Perak ini akan menjadi MB kerusi kerusi ini.
Satu lagi MB, Nizar adalah mewakili rakyat Perak, jadi beliau mewakili hasrat nurani rakyat Perak.

Jadi, setelah mandapat mandat dari mahkamah rayuan untuk terus jadi mamak bendahara, eloklah mamak bendahara buat pilihanraya - barulah tau, sapa yang sebetulnya MB rakyat Perak. kalau tidak orang Perak pakat gelak .. Kerana nak jadi MB kena buat projek bela katak!

Hai entahlah, Nizar kata bubar DUN, buat pilihanraya. Nizar sanggup merpertaruhkan status MBnya. Bukannya tentu dia jadi MB lepas ini. Jadi Si mamak bendahara Zamry ni nak takut apa? Jadi dari logik akalnya, sapa yang tamak? Sapa yang kecut telur?

Tapi, yor nye le. Rakyat Perak dah muak dengan UMNO! Dan dah bertambah muak dengan apa yang dilakukan puak puak UMNO ni. Jadi, marilah kita kekelas fardu kifayah, belajor baca talkin. Kita talkinkan UMNO dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Kita buat extra special untuk Mamak bendahara Zamry!

Ate, Oh kome deghoyan dah loghuh!

Monday, May 11, 2009

UMNO dan perubahan

Banyak sungguh retorik retorik yang Najib cakapkan semasa ulang tahun UMNO (lama). Orang Perak kate, ghentikan lah bercakap Yop, Lagi banyak bercakap lagi dalam lobang yang digali, lagi cepat tumpo!

Aku nak bagi free consultation kepada Najib. Cadangan aku ini tak payah bayor. Tak payah nak buang duit panggil orang Putih sebab nak buat kajian kenapa rakyat Malaysia dah muak dengan UMNO.

Kalo betui UMNO nak berubah, start mole dengan saranan aku dibawah:

1. Tukar mindset - jangan percaya kepada perkara khurafat; misalnya UMNO parti keramat - Orang Melayu dah pergi keangkasa - jadi orang Melayu dah tak percaya kepada perkara perkara yang tahyul - macam keramat

2. Bersihkan UMNO dari rasuah - Walk the talk - this can be done by Najib himself, clean himself against the corrupt allegation - Altantuya, Scorpene submarine, Shukoi Jet fighter from Russia. Reprimand UMNO leader yang dipalitkan dengan kes rasuah like Ali Rustam of Melaka, Khairy Jamaluddin

3. Jangan minta rakyat membalas budi - zaman dah maju - taktik ni dah tak laku. Rakyat dah cerdik, tak main dgn konsep terhutang budi lagi. Rakyat dah tau bahawa semua pembangunan itu dah memang tanggung jawap kerajaan yang memerintah. Kalau tak buat, rakyat akan tukar kerajaan lah jawap nya.

4. Jangan dengar cakap cakap pengampu pengampu UMNO. Semua itu adalah pihak yang berkepentingan. Semua itu adalah sokong yang membawa rebah! Dengar cakap rakyat yang tidak berkepentingan (macam aku) - baru boleh percaya. Aku bagi nasihat ni bukan nya nak harap Najib bayar aku, dan bukannya aku nak jadi ketua bahagian atau pun menteri!

5. Revamp semua dasar yang rakyat tak mahu - ISA, OSA, secret act, pelacuran institusi polis dan perundangan, SPR and badan pencegah rasuah dan lain lain. Semua badan ini should be answerable to parlimen, bukan kabinet. Jika diletakkan dibawah kabinet, sampai bila bila pun rakyat tak percaya bahawa badan badan ini adalah bebas! Ye lah banyak orang atas tu macam ular - tak boleh percaya.

6. Cakap biar serupa bikin - selesai kan isu Perak - kembalikan hak memilih kerajaan kepada rakyat Perak. Lagi panjang krisis diPerak, lagi ramai yang hilang kepercayaan kepada UMNO! Lagi cepat UMNO tumpo!

7. Jadi anak jantan. Buat keputusan demi rakyat bukan demi sekor menteri yang dah pencen. Ask the ex menteri tu shut up - sebab tempoh guna pakai dah tamat. Kalau pakai juga boleh membawa mudarat!

Jadi bolehkah UMNO, sekurang kurangnya melakukan 7 perkara diatas - kalau tak boleh, jawapnya Najib bercakap macam ayam jantan - kokok berderai derai, ekor bergelumang tahi!